Following is the tutorial taken from SuiteAnswers which shows how to create a select field having Shipping Items/Shipping Methods in Suitelet:
Use the Shipping Item List as a Select Option in a Suitelet
- Create a custom record type
- Navigate to Customization > Lists, Records, & Fields > Record Types > New
- Set the name – Shipping List
- Set the ID – _rec_ship_list
- Access type = no Permission Required
- Save
- Add a custom field that will source the Shipping Item List
- Edit the Record created from Part A.
- Click on new field
- Set the name – shipping item list
- Set the ID – _shipping_list
- Type = List/Record
- List/Record = Shipping Method
- Save
- Create a new Record (Shipping List)
- Open the custom record (Shipping List)
- Click on View Records
- Click on new
- Set a Name to the record and Save
- Take note of the Internal Id for this new record.
This Custom record will be used to access the shipping items.
Suitelet Script that will show a field with the shipping items as the select options.
function demoSimpleForm(request, response) { if (request.getMethod() == 'GET') { var form = nlapiCreateForm('Simple Form'); var cusRec = nlapiLoadRecord('customrecord_rec_ship_list', 1); var shipFld = cusRec.getField('custrecord_shipping_list'); var options = shipFld.getSelectOptions(); var select = form.addField('custpage_selectfield', 'select', 'My Custom shipping item'); select.addSelectOption('', ''); for (var i = 0; i < options.length; i++) { select.addSelectOption(options[i].id, options[i].text); } form.addSubmitButton('Submit'); response.writePage(form); } else { dumpResponse(request, response); } }
This way we can fetch saved search’s name which is impossible by making/invoking saved search on saved search in SuiteScripts.

Demo: Public Suitelet

SuiteAnswer Id: 32174
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