Folio3 NStitch Solution Series (Part 1)

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What is CMT? 

CMT stands for Cut-Make-Trim. It is a terminology used in the apparel (clothing) industry where an apparel factory takes customer designs and produces them following three stages. ‘Cut,’ where the material is cut to its pattern, and made ready to sew, ‘Make,’ where the garments are sewn together and created, and ‘Trim,’ where the garments are finished, any threads and small imperfections are removed (and sometimes recorded) and final QC and packing occurs.

NetSuite’s Functionality + Folio3’s NStitch Solution – A Perfect Combo 

Oracle NetSuite does provide many efficient and useful modules for its users which make their day-to-day tasks easier. One such module is the production management module. This production-friendly module allows the generation of sales orders to process, route, and schedule work orders to product costing and order fulfillment, NetSuite’s manufacturing solution provides real-time visibility into every step of the production process to help you make better-informed decisions. Although this might seem promising in reality, it is a fixed process with limited ability for customizations and modifications. Flexibility in tackling CMT is essential because every client has a different set of requirements, criteria for feeding items to the CMT process, and costing formulas. 

Folio3’s one-stop solution for CMT

With NetSuite’s everlasting engine as a base, Folio3 has developed a one-stop solution/customization to help apparel and fashion industries optimize their ERP needs. For a high-level overview, the process is fed order lines (Sales order and/or transfer order or other customized criteria). Selected lines are used to produce a production order which is the pillar upon which the manufacturing of finished good(s) is based. The production of items (items to produce) then goes through different production steps (as defined by the client) such as cutting, sewing, grading, QC, etc., recording service charges and cost in NetSuite, and adjusting the inventory of raw materials along the way. After the successful production of finished goods, their inventory is increased in NetSuite (in the defined location) and the purpose of wholesale manufacturing is achieved. 

This solution is fully capable of handling a full package (single purchase from a vendor) and also wholesale which is the CMT solution we are talking about.

Picture of About the Author

About the Author

Usman Majied
Senior Software Engineer - Folio3

Usman Majied is a tech enthusiast who loves challenges and is eager to learn new technologies. He is interested in reading books, and esports and strives to stay fit.

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