Listing All The Records in Your Netsuite Account

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Sometimes you may want need to see a list of all the records in your NetSuite account along with categorization showing whether they are scriptable or not. However this list is neither accessible in NetSuite nor you can create any saved search which will give you this information by default. In this post I’ll show you a workaround via which you can get this information. Just follow the steps below.

  1. Upload the html page get_all_recs_html in your NetSuite file cabinet
  2. Upload get_all_recs and get_all_recs_cl java-script files in your NetSuite file cabinet
  3. Create a client script record and use the get_all_recs_cl as a script file
  4. Create a Suitelet record and use the get_all_recs file as a script file
  5. Update the client script id in the get_all_recs file at line 32 and access the Suitelet.

When you do that, the Suitelet will show you all the records in your NetSuite account along with categorization showing whether they are scriptable or not. You can view both the pdf and html version of this list of records in your Netsuite account (as shown below). Hope you find this post useful.

PDF all_records_in_ns_account

HTML all_records_in_ns_account

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