If you are the owner, it’s your responsibility to make the property fit to live in for the coming tenants. Similarly, the tenant should also notify the landlords if there is a need for any maintenance or repair. These include plumbing, proper heating system, appliances, and other structural maintenance. Moreover, as a landlord, you need to adopt a proactive approach in handling the plumbing and heating issues within 24 hours, while the less-immediate repairs can be made within 48 hours.
Read along to learn about different maintenance and repair tasks which landlords and tenants need to do to make a property live able and comfortable. Furthermore, discover the power of Folio3’s NetSuite Property Management solution, a smart way to channel the features for top-notch property management.

General Repairs
Before renting a property, both the tenants and landlord should sign an agreement on reimbursing the tenants’ expenses for the repairs. Furthermore, the tenant can also make a written request to the landlord explaining the repair works if they aren’t urgent. The property owner can also use the NetSuite Property Management Solution that offers easy property creation and contract creation.
Nonetheless, the tenant should continue to pay the rent if the repairs are in progress or not completed by the rent due time. It’s against the tenancy agreement to withhold the rent in case of delay in the repairs, or else the landlord has the right to terminate the tenancy contract.
Let’s categorize the types of urgent or non-urgent repairs to determine the time required to do the maintenance work.

Urgent Repairs
In case of an urgent repair, the tenant should notify the real estate agent and landlord and make the arrangements to fix the issues, including:
- Water leakage or a burst water pipe
- Broken or blocked toilet
- Roof leak
- Gas leak
- Electrical fault
- Flooding
- Fire or storm damage
- Gas, electricity, or water breakdown
- Hot water service failure
- Oven or stove breakdown
- Heater or AC failure
- Smoke alarm failure

How to Resolve Urgent Repairs?
The next important question is what the tenant should do if the landlord doesn’t fix these urgent repairs within a reasonable time. First, the tenant should refer to the tenancy agreement to contact the tradesperson mentioned in the contract if the landlord or the agent isn’t available.
Since these are urgent repairs, the tenant can’t hold off on the maintenance work for a long time. Hence the tenant can make arrangements for the repairs and request the reimbursement for up to $1,000 by the landlord.
On the other hand, if the urgent repairs aren’t the tenant’s fault, the landlord is liable to reimburse the tenant’s expenses. Moreover, the landlord should reimburse the expenses if the tenants wait for a reasonable time for the landlord or agent to do the repairs. Lastly, if a licensed tradesperson does the repairs, it’s the landlord’s responsibility to reimburse the tenant’s cost spent on urgent repairs.
For the documentation purse, the tenant can write the urgent repairs in detail and attach the copies of the receipts to submit to the landlord.
Once the above process is complete, the landlord can reimburse the tenant cost within 14 days after receiving the repair notice. However, if the landlord doesn’t pay within this time limit, it’s the tenant’s right to contact the tenancy complaints service.
If the repair costs are more than $1,000 or the tenant can’t afford to pay, he can apply to the Tribunal for an urgent hearing order.
A Comprehensive Solution
A property owner can easily steer clear of these problems and maintain a healthy relationship with their tenants is to keeping track of the repairs through NetSuite Property Management Solution by Folio3. A tenant can easily create maintenance tickets, and a property owner can track and manage these tickets. It will allow property owners to get the tasks done within time.

Damage to the property is undoubtedly a serious issue. That’s why no tenant is allowed to damage the landlord’s property intentionally or due to carelessness. If the tenant or their guests cause any damage to the house, the tenant is responsible for the repairs. Alternatively, the tenant should pay the relevant cost of the repairs.
Smoke Alarms
The landlord is responsible for the proper functioning of the smoke and heat alarms within the property. Whether you are a landlord or a tenant, it’s important to understand the basic definition of a non-working smoke alarm. If the smoke alarm is removed, malfunctioning or the battery needs to be replaced; the smoke alarm is considered non-functional.
There is a strict time frame for the landlord to repair the smoke alarm. For instance, the landlord should replace or repair the smoke alarms within two business days after the tenant informs the landlord.
Similarly, the landlord’s responsibility is to check the alarms and battery to ensure proper functioning annually. Also, the smoke alarms should be replaced with the ten years of manufacturing date.
The landlord should give at least two business days’ notice to assess the repairs or replacement of smoke alarms. Not only that, but the landlord should inform the tenant an hour before carrying out the smoke alarm repairs. Lastly, only a licensed electrician can repair the smoke alarm.

Natural Disasters
Natural disasters are unfortunate events such as storms or floods. In such unfortunate cases, both the landlord and tenants have the responsibility and rights to repair the property. Fire, floors, and serious storms are all considered urgent repairs.
First, the tenant should temporarily move out of the property, allowing the landlord to do the necessary repairs. However, it’s not the responsibility of the landlord to pay for the temporary accommodation of the tenant.
If the damage is minor or partially occupied, the tenant can stay on the property. However, the tenant and landlord should ensure there isn’t any safety risk involved.
After completing all the repairs, the landlord and tenant can mutually end the previous agreement and sign a new agreement. The rent can be higher after the repairs and reflected in the new agreement.
If the property is partially or completely damaged, the landlord and tenant can mutually end the tenancy agreement.
The key takeaway of the above guide is to inform both the tenants and landlords of their rights and responsibilities. The main goal is to maintain the property by making it liveable. Hence, the landlord and tenant can mutually agree to maintain the property by negotiating a resolution.
Unfortunately, if the landlord doesn’t cooperate to do the urgent repairs, the tenant can apply with the Tribunal.
With Folio3’s NetSuite Property Management Solution, one can avoid these situations completely. This solution offers many features that make property management, including maintenance and upkeep, seamless and perfectly convenient for both the tenants and the property owners.