Sage 200 Manufacturing Is End-of-Life: Shift to NetSuite for Long-Term Success

The Sage 200 Manufacturing module has been operating in Extended Support since Sage declared in November 2020 that

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The Sage 200 Manufacturing module has been operating in Extended Support since Sage declared in November 2020 that it would no longer be selling the module. As the last phase of the module’s retirement, Sage has officially declared the total removal of Sage 200 Manufacturing’s functionality. 

It Is Time To Make The Switch

The retirement of Sage 200 Manufacturing has created a rift for businesses that were relying on its manufacturing module. As Sage is retiring from this solution, businesses now need to re-evaluate their ERP systems to transition to a more robust platform like NetSuite Manufacturing ERP.

What’s Happening with Sage 200 Manufacturing?

Sage announced the end of its 200 Manufacturing module to align its offerings with modern cloud-based ERP solutions. Here is a quick timeline to keep you informed about key dates:

November 1, 2020

Sage 200 Manufacturing was withdrawn from sale and transitioned to Extended Support.

October 2025

The manufacturing module code will be permanently removed with the release of Sage 200 2025 R2.

December 31, 2025

Extended Support for Sage 200 Manufacturing will officially end.

NetSuite Manufacturing Is Here To Save The Day

Businesses that depended on Sage 200 Manufacturing are now in a critical position as it takes time to choose and migrate to a new ERP for their manufacturing needs without disrupting their operations.  

NetSuite Manufacturing is an alternative for companies impacted by the retirement of Sage 200 Manufacturing. As the #1 cloud-based ERP platform, NetSuite offers a robust, flexible, and agile platform designed to help manufacturers transform operations and effectively manage scalability challenges associated with rapid growth. 

Why Choose NetSuite Manufacturing?

NetSuite offers comprehensive modules to optimize and enhance your manufacturing operations. It provides advanced capabilities for managing complex manufacturing environments, including work-in-progress tracking and detailed production planning.

Demand Planning

Helps forecast demand accurately, ensure production aligns with market needs, and minimize excess inventory.

WIP and Routing

Manages work-in-progress inventory and production routing to ensure efficient use of resources and timely completion of production runs.

Product Data Management

Centralizes product data to streamline product lifecycle management, from design to production to end-of-life.

Why Now Is the Right Time to Transition

The 2025 deadlines are fast approaching, and businesses relying on Sage 200 Manufacturing must act quickly to avoid disruptions. Migrating to NetSuite Manufacturing with Folio3 will ensure continuity and access to a partner ecosystem.

Folio3’s NetSuite SuiteSuccess ERP Implementation methodology helps businesses get up and running quickly. It offers pre-built templates and tools, so instead of building everything from scratch, your business can start using NetSuite faster, typically in just a few weeks.
Plan for the future and leave legacy systems behind. Learn more about NetSuite Manufacturing with Folio3.

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