White Paper

Technology Helps Auto Parts Distributors Rev Up Profitability

Cloud-based ERP platform gives wholesale distributors a business management tool for their front- and back-end operations.

Wholesale automotive parts distributors use their supply networks and expertise to keep the nation’s cars, trucks, and heavy-duty vehicles safe and on the road by delivering the right parts to the right places at the right price. They’re part of a nearly $500 billion industry that includes about 535,000 repair shops, distributors, marketers, retailers, and manufacturers, all working to keep the wheels turning on the more than 280 million vehicles that are registered in the United States. As key intermediaries in the automotive parts supply chain, wholesale distributors provide efficient delivery of replacement parts to their customers, the majority of which are repair shops.

You will learn about:

  • By working with the major ecommerce hubs, the ERP platform gives wholesale distributors a business management tool for their front-and back-end operations.
  • From a marketing perspective, simply being able to add descriptions to their parts in the online marketplace gave the distributor an SEO boost.
  • With NetSuite, wholesale distributors are now bringing more customers in the door.

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