ERP and Business Intelligence Why Your Business Needs Both

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These days, the only way to stay competitive is by using an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system. These systems are great at connecting dots between various business processes and finding efficiencies in your operations, but they can’t do everything for you! Real-time data analysis with insights will help organizations make smarter decisions so that they’re able to put together plans on what’s needed next – without wasting time or resources along the journey

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With the right tools, businesses can be more profitable and adaptable. ERP systems like IBM’s platforms are paired with powerful BI software that helps leaders make accurate decisions about their company’s prospects in an increasingly competitive marketplace.

What Is ERP?

Enterprise resource planning (ERP) software is used by businesses to streamline operations and provide a centralized location for data collection and analysis. In a contemporary ERP system, inputs from several departments are gathered into a single database accessible to all users (HR). People can spend less time searching for information they need because of the central database, which provides cross-departmental insights they can use to analyze various scenarios, perform financial planning and analysis (FP&A), and make process improvements that can lead to significant efficiency gains, cost savings, and increased productivity.

Another key value of an ERP system is optimizing and automating essential operational processes such as financial, supply chain management, or production. It will free up time for more strategic endeavors in your business!

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What Is Business Intelligence (BI)?

Business intelligence (BI) software provides companies with a comprehensive view of their operations, enabling leaders to base business decisions on data. This powerful and versatile tool also plays an integral role in both high-level strategy and tactical responses by managers who want more precise ways of responding directly to market demands; BI is crucial if you’re looking forward to investing your time wisely!

With BI, you can generate dashboards and reports to provide a detailed understanding of your business’s current standing. You might use this information for operational improvement in both the front office and back-office aspects, such as supply chain management if there are bottlenecks within it. A quick analysis from Business Intelligence could point out where things go wrong to know what needs fixing right away or just how much time has passed since our last update on certain metrics.

What Are the Key Differences Between ERP and BI?

ERP and BI systems have a lot in common, but they also serve different purposes. ERPs primary function is process management software that integrates important business processes like manufacturing or inventory control; it serves as the foundation for other technologies such as financials-to help businesses manage their revenue streams efficiently across various locations with one platform. As opposed 

This centralized data breakdown silos within organizations by providing organization-wide visibility on all aspects of operations—internal (personnel) metrics alongside external customer information, which can be analyzed further using BI tools.

The creation of dashboards and other visualizations makes complex data easier to understand.

The value of ERP and BI systems is dependent on what level you’re looking at. On the operational side, where data about each business function’s performance metrics exist in a precise form (known as “ERPs”), these technologies can provide businesses with insight into how well they are doing from an overall perspective; but this alone may not be enough for some companies who need more specific information regarding their individual departments’ performances or project status; thus begins another set of steps toward finding the exact pieces that demand attention before anything else happens.

It doesn’t matter whether you’re trying to figure out the ROI of a new digital marketing plan or how much money you can save by using a more real-time approach to inventory management. BI solutions can help you make better decisions while saving money.

OLTP + OLAP: Better Together

Businesses utilize OLTP systems or online transaction processing systems to keep track of their financial activities. OLTP systems, such as ERP store and retrieve data. However, OLAP systems are used in business intelligence, which provides multidimensional analytical capabilities.

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Evolution of ERP and BI

ERP is an evolution of material requirements planning systems that began in the 1960s. The system was first used to plan production. Still, it quickly became more than this simple task as manufacturers saw how they could use their data for insights on what would help improve business operations and efficiency across every department.

The evolution of business intelligence dates back to the 1960s, when it was first introduced. The system had a large following in the 1980s and continues today with roots that go all those decades ago!

Integrating data between ERP and BI systems has led to a more efficient business process. The real-time nature allows for smarter decision-making, as well as removing any hosting costs on your end!

Integration of Business Intelligence and ERP

The integration of ERP and BI brings together data points into clear, actionable insights. It is possible because companies can now organize their vast amounts of information to make it easy for users and provide them with an opportunity to analyze this ever-growing pile or recover lost time by having all transactions logged in one place.

Forward-looking businesses are shifting from historical reporting to predictive modeling, which has also caused the rising popularity of ERP-BI integration. The ability for an organization’s managers and employees alike to have access to data that can be used towards making better decisions is one of many competitive advantages in today’s digital economy – especially when it comes down to how they prepare their company financially by incorporating all aspects into a single system like Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software packages or suites designed specifically with small business needs at heart!

Why Business Intelligence in ERP?

BI and ERP software are not only complementary, and they enhance each other’s performance.

With ERP systems, data analysis can be done more effectively and efficiently. It is because they break down silos between essential functions like finance or HR and operations, making it possible for BI to turn all these information sources into a valuable asset in their own right—drawing on operational records from the system while advancing them towards strategic ambitions that directly serve businesses’ goals.

Using ERP systems, data analysis may be done more quickly and effectively. By breaking down silos between critical functions like finance or HR and operations, the system can draw on operational records while advancing them towards strategic ambitions that directly serve businesses’ goals.

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7 Benefits of Business Intelligence in ERP

In addition to transforming data into visual analytics that can be used to make decisions across the company, business intelligence (BI) may significantly impact ERP systems. Here are seven main advantages of integrating ERP with BI:

Data aggregation and analysis

The data is an invaluable source of information for businesses, and with the help of BI, they can draw in-depth insights from it.


When it comes to data analysis, no one should have their mandate more important than the team. An integrated BI-ERP system allows each stakeholder in your business an opportunity to create customized reports and dashboards that will meet or exceed their needs without wasting time on duplicate work.

Predictive capabilities

The combination of historical ERP data with business intelligence allows companies to gain a clear understanding of how their performance has changed over time. This knowledge can be used for predictive analysis and modelling, helping them see what is likely coming in the future!

Real-time decisions

Businesses need to get more predictive to stay competitive. That’s where BI comes into play, delivering data and analysis at the stroke of a button so that decision-makers can make better decisions faster than ever before!

Comprehensive insights

The integration of BI and ERP technologies makes it easy for businesses to quickly assess their performance without going back and forth between different software programs or databases. All the necessary data is in one place, so you can also report on your progress using this knowledge for predictive modeling!


With BI integrated within ERP, companies can quickly consolidate and organize large data sets from multiple sources in real-time. The added speed removes a significant barrier that has traditionally hounded business agility.


With BI, you can report on larger and more complex datasets for deeper analysis. You’ll also be able to generate reports in less time with dashboards made accessible by authorized users across your organization, no matter their level of technical expertise!

Examples of ERP With Business Intelligence

The future is now. As ERP and BI continue to evolve, data will play an even bigger role in shaping business strategy while decision-makers increasingly rely on real-time insights into their operations.

The future of work requires a collaborative culture that spans teams. The ERP system eliminates data silos between functions. At the same time, BI allows decision-makers to combine knowledge and join forces to work towards common goals—allowing organizations to achieve performance objectives quicker with better insights into their operations!

There are a lot of benefits to integrating your business intelligence (BI) system with ERP. For one, you can use trendspotting and enhanced reporting based on larger datasets that give companies an opportunity for proactive strategy adjustments in addition to staying up-to-date across all aspects of their operations!

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Integrating your business intelligence (BI) system with ERP can give you access to various benefits, including trendspotting and enhanced reporting based on larger datasets? It will allow for proactive strategy adjustments and stay up-to-date across all aspects of operations!

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