NetSuite understands the people and process challenges that accompany the introduction of new technology in the workplace. To realize the full benefit from a new system, targeted change management activities will promote user adoption and minimize the risk of your implementation being marginalized.
You must consider the fact that employees always resistant to changes be it in policy or a new technology. So for successful implementation of new system in your organization, there is series of targeted management activities are required.

Create a wave of enthusiasm
Before the actual implementation phase, build interest among employees through sessions on benefits of NetSuite, and how it has helped many others. Make them aware of the benefits your company and especially they will reap. Make it like the next-big-thing.
Be clear about your Objectives
You can keep the employees engaged only if they are aware of how NetSuite is the number one cloud ERP solution. Let them know the strategic goals you hold in terms of time to revenue, social reach pipeline management & generation and opportunity conversions. Keep reminding them productivity gains that are measurable, achievable and specific to your company’s agenda.

Understand that Everyone is Different!
Learning journey is always different for all, communication is the key; some may learn the system bit by bit and through the course of implementation and even after that, others may grab the complete idea in a session or two. Observe & analyze responses but make certain they all are ready to adopt the system.
There is always room for some improvement
Make employees comfortable and encourage their feedback, employees’ involvement should always be welcomed if you want successful implementation.
Clarify End-User Involvement in Testing, Design & Roll Out!
After making certain of the above-mentioned points, in-house training is the most important part. Another action you can perform is hiring a Mentor who knows NetSuite inside out if you already do not have one in your organization. Make dependency on Helpdesk support a must! What can be better than NetSuite Help & Suite Answers?

Finally, we would like to suggest you to come up with an efficient plan and have it implemented one way or the other, so you may not face the lack of productivity of your workforce as it will directly affect your organization’s investment.
We are NetSuite Official Partner, specialized in NetSuite Implementation, Customization and all sort of Connectors. Feel free to Contact Us for any query, or to request a quotation.