Top SEO KPIs to Track for Ecommerce Success


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As all of you know, using Search Engine Optimization (SEO) to increase traffic on your ecommerce site demands constant ongoing monitoring and adjustments in order to ensure continued success. To do that you need to have a set of defined SEO KPIs which you can measure and track, so you can see the impact of your SEO strategy and on and off page activities.

Below are the top SEO KPIs that have been recommend by NetSuite’s own eCommerce Marketing Gurus for tracking SEO performance in order to maximize results on ecommerce websites.

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Organic traffic

The foremost SEO KPI to track is Organic traffic, which is the traffic coming in from your unpaid keyword searches. By monitoring your eCommerce site’s organic traffic on a weekly basis, you can make adjustments and tweak your SEO efforts accordingly.

Organic goal conversion

Next there’s organic goal conversion, which tells you how much of your organic traffic leads to the goal you’re trying to accomplish. This could be anything from a purchase, to content download or a request for more information.

Organic conversion rate

Then there’s organic conversion rate, which is a SEO KPI that’s specific to eCommerce sites, that tells you how many of the people who visit your site through organic search convert to a sale.

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Organic ROI

At number 4 there’s organic ROI, which is basically a measure of the return you’re getting for your SEO expenses. Once you start to assemble this data you can measure the ROI on different SEO tactics and see which of them is bringing in more revenue.

Brand vs. non-brand keyword traffic

This particular KPI will help you measure how your company name performs vs. your products for keyword searches, so you can tweak your SEO efforts based on the keywords that bring in the most traffic.

Keyword rankings

Then there’s keyword rankings, which I think all businesses should track, in order to see how they’re performing for keywords that are central to their business.

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Returning visitors by brand traffic

This KPI is a very good indicator of customer engagement, and will tell you how many people are coming to your site by Googling your name.

Bounce rates

The last SEO KPI you absolutely should be tracking is your site’s bounce rate, which basically tells you how many people come to your site and leave immediately. This is another great indicator of a customer engagement and can help you determine if you’re getting the wrong visitors or whether your site’s visitors are not seeing/finding what they’re looking for when they come to your eCommerce site. In which case you may need to tweak the content of your site.

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For more info on SEO KPIs have a look at this post on the Top SEO KPIs to Track for Ecommerce Success on the NetSuite blog.

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