Frankston Packaging


Frankston Packaging specializes in designing and manufacturing packaging solutions, including folding cartons and labels, with a focus on excellence and customer service for over 60 years. Based in Texas, they offer comprehensive packaging services.


Frankston Packaging’s collaboration with Folio3 led to the successful deployment of NetSuite SuiteSuccess Financials First Standard ERP, along with the integration of Advertzware (ASI) and LabelTraxx (LT). This strategic move has empowered Frankston Packaging to achieve precise and holistic reporting across all its subsidiaries, significantly enhancing their operational efficiency and financial transparency.

The Challenge

Frankston Packaging encountered significant challenges in migrating to a new ERP system, primarily due to the complexity of managing extensive data across multiple departments and their four subsidiaries. This complexity was further compounded by the reliance on two legacy ERP systems. The primary objective was to achieve accurate and comprehensive reporting throughout all subsidiaries, that eventually leads to streamlined operations and efficient decision-making processes.


NetSuite SuiteSuccess Financials First
  • Set up and Configure General Accounting, including COA, Departments, Locations, Classes, Subsidiary Management, and set Accounting Periods for each calendar month.
  • Implement Journal Entries, Checks, Fiscal Close, Bank Deposits, Bank Feed, Advanced Financials, and Standard Financial Reports.
  • Set up and configure Basic Item Master for Inventory and Non-Inventory, Item Pricing with Price Levels, Unit of Measure.
  • Configure Tier Pricing, Transactions, and implement Average Inventory Costing.
  • Set up and configure NetSuite’s standard features including Vendor Master, Purchase Orders, Item Receipts, Vendor Bills and Payments.
  • Configure Return Authorizations, Credits, Prepayments, Standard Purchases/A/P reports, and Employee Master.
  • Set up and configure Customer/Contact Master, Quotes/Estimates, Sales Orders, Item Fulfillments, Invoices, and Customer Payments.Configure Return Authorizations, Item Receipts, Credit Memos, basic CRM configuration, Support Management, and Shipping methods.
  • Review standard reports provided by NetSuite out-of-the-box which includes financial statement, sales report, purchase reports, vendor/payable, customer/receivable.

Advertzware (ASI) and LabelTraxx (LT) Integration

Engineered an integration that enabled clients to operate both their legacy systems and NetSuite in parallel, facilitating a seamless transition. Initially, departments could continue their operations on the legacy systems without disruption, thanks to real-time integration. This strategic approach ensured that when departments gradually shifted to NetSuite, the transition occurred smoothly, with no impact on the financial operations.


Folio3 executed the deployment of NetSuite SuiteSuccess Financials First Standard ERP for Frankston, elevating functionalities across financial management, procurement, inventory, CRM, sales order processing, and support management. The configurations and setup included but not limited to General Accounting, Inventory and Vendor Management, and advanced configurations for Customer Relations and CRM, alongside efficient Sales and Support processes. This streamlined approach boosted operational efficiency and positioned Frankston for strategic growth.

Ready to optimize your business with NetSuite ERP? Collaborate with Folio3 for a seamless implementation.

Folio3 is a recognized and authorized NetSuite partner specializing in SuiteSuccess, SuiteCommerce and ERP Implementation. Similarly, it excels in the domain of integrations and customizations in NetSuite