Doma, formerly known as States Title and their associate brands North American Title Company and North American Title Insurance Company, is making the title and escrow transactions a simpler, seamless process for lenders, agents, and homebuyers across the country.
Folio3 implemented a number of customizations in NetSuite to extend its out of box functionality and tailor its data flow to Doma’s business.
Doma Tiles needed customizations in their own NetSuite as well as customized integrations with various systems third-party systems.
Folio3 implemented a number of customizations in NetSuite to extend its out of box functionality and tailor the data flows to Doma’s business. These include:
With Folio3, Doma Tiles was able to fully customize and automate their own and connected systems. Their documentation and scripts are streamlined enabling them to process larger data and scale their business. Apart from this, their systems were successfully integrated with Xactly and Bank of America.
Folio3 is a recognized and authorized NetSuite partner specializing in SuiteSuccess, SuiteCommerce and ERP Implementation.
Similarly, it excels in the domain of integrations and customizations in NetSuite
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