While working on NetSuite implementations you may have come across situations where you had to generate a PDF report from a particular record by appending two or more PDF documents together. We recently encountered this requirement while working on an ERP implementation for one of our NetSuite clients. The client wanted us to provide a button […]
Large organizations systems often based on one backbone ERP system incorporation with other subsidiary systems. To update and to be updated, these subsidiary systems requires imports and export operations; As #1 Cloud ERP Netsuite provides various integration options for the external systems. These options includes CSV import export, WebServices, ODBC. This article is for those […]
Work Centers help production managers to manage resources by grouping them together and applying that group to a particular process in a manufacturing process. Works Centers are static NetSuite groups which are designated as manufacturing work centers. To perform this work center management in an efficient way, Work center calendars help production managers to manufacture […]
In today’s competitive market the concept of giving loyalty points to customers is getting popular day by day. Although NetSuite doesn’t have a default loyalty points module at the moment, it’s fairly simple to implement this functionality in NetSuite by following the below guidelines:- Prerequisite: Creating Two Accounts: Creating Discount Item(s): Design: The loyalty points system basically […]
As one of the top ERP solutions in the market, NetSuite offers hundreds of features with numerous customization options. One of the key features it offers is Duplicate Detection, which is a must have feature for any ERP. In this post we’re going to look at this particular feature and how you can apply it on specific fields of […]
Ever thought about CSV export buttons present in NetSuite UI near to saved searches? What about exporting a saved search result to a CSV file through your code (Suite Script)? Actually this is very simple. Following are the steps that you will need to take: Isn’t that cool? Let’s see it in action! Enjoy! For reference […]
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Deleting Records From UI Using Inline Editing Feature There is one method available in NetSuite to delete the lots of record at once from the list of records which allows inline editing. I am demonstrating here to delete first 15 records from custom record type: 1. Got to the records list and enabled the inline editing […]
Following is the tutorial taken from SuiteAnswers which shows how to create a select field having Shipping Items/Shipping Methods in Suitelet: Use the Shipping Item List as a Select Option in a Suitelet Create a custom record type Navigate to Customization > Lists, Records, & Fields > Record Types > New Set the name – […]
Use the following sample code to create an XLS file in NetSuite’s Suitelet. // XML content of the file var xmlStr = ‘<?xml version=”1.0″?><?mso-application progid=”Excel.Sheet”?>’; xmlStr += ‘<Workbook xmlns=”urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:spreadsheet” ‘; xmlStr += ‘xmlns:o=”urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office” ‘; xmlStr += ‘xmlns:x=”urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:excel” ‘; xmlStr += ‘xmlns:ss=”urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:spreadsheet” ‘; xmlStr += ‘xmlns:html=”http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40″>’; xmlStr += ‘<Worksheet ss:Name=”Sheet1″>’; xmlStr += ‘<Table>’ + ‘<Row>’ + ‘<Cell><Data […]